When you are a financial advisor, credibility is absolutely crucial. In order to create trust, you need expertise that shows, and you need to be using it for the good of your clients and your community. As a member of the Motiv8 community, we’ll take you step by step through our proven process to approach your clients in the most positive way so that they will be happy to share their great results with you – and their truthful comments are the basis of social proof, the most powerful advertisement there is in our financial services industry. Your credibility is your success!
Credibility means people can see you’re qualified to make their lives better
Through our training and coaching process, we’ll show you multiple ways to build the credibility that will help you grow your business. We’ll look at how you’re doing and accelerate your momentum to outperform your competition. We’ll help you:
- Find out where your greatest strengths lie
- Learn the areas where your expertise could be earning you more
- Learn the simple steps to focus on your most important goals
- Develop self-feedback and accountability with our team
- See how to put your expertise forward with informational marketing
- Use our pre-planned scripts and collateral for expert and entertaining webinars
Testimonials are your number one best sales strategy
- A smooth, organic process to receive testimonials without imposing
- Simple techniques to create real-life video testimonials
- How to use comments most effectively in your advertising
We know you don’t have time to create a whole repertoire of credibility-building actions and marketing materials…and that’s why our systems are done for you.